Fight Class 3 Chapter 111 (33) Strength vs Skill

Fight Class 3 Chapter 111 (33) Strength vs Skill

In previous chapter we saw Maria about to unleash her first attack, in this chapter we see this attack from another angle.

Lee Ja Kyung manage to calculate Maria's sucker punch would not her her, so instead of trying to block it, Lee Ja Kyung rush forward to body slam Maria, but turns out, Maria knew Lee Ja Kyung would do this, the punch was never the main attack. Maria launched a knee right at Lee Ja Kyung's face.

This shows kind of that Maria is a fighting genius. Full of traps and deadly attacks.

Despite that, Lee Ja Kyung is not defeated.

Maria is not done with Lee Ja Kyung. Maria gives Lee Ja Kyung the iconic hand that blinds/distract the opponent.

Maria unleash another hit in Lee Ja Kyung's face. This time an image is shown of Lee Ja Kyung's past, it looks like Maria has stomped her in the past and is apparently doing it again.

But 1 problem...

Maria's punch doesn't really hurt Lee Ja Kyung...

Maria hasn't trained since she left the hospital. She is gotten weaker, weak enough that this may give Lee Ja Kyung the advantage...

Maria needs to keep training, else she will apparently quickly lose her muscle mass.

Maria is not at her top condition, it is clear, she seems skinnier than usual, the previous chapter showed her ribs are still too fragile, and on top of that she hasn't trained for a while, this all combined maybe is enough for Lee Ja Kyung to defeat Maria... or not.

Maria is a master at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), so far she hasn't unleashed any BJJ attacks. We see Maria still looking calmly, so this fight may not be an easy sweep for Maria, she may still be the winner.

Lee Ja Kyung has inferiority complex towards Maria, it is very unlikely this will be resolved in this chapter... we barely know Lee Ja Kyung.

Besides that, Maria has never lost a fight, very unlikely she will lose a fight now...

But let's assume Maria lose this fight, the Jiu Ji Tae team is kind of f*cked. Because Jiu Ji Tae is badly damaged and weakened. Maria's "friends" (allies) who follow her are kind of jobbers. Cha So-Wol may be the only one who is able to hold off someone like Lee Ja Kyung, but .. Lee Ja Kyung wasn't alone either.

Yang Ki-Hoon

Yang Ki-Hoon is still somewhere in the crowd, he may show up as well.

Maria must defeat Lee Ja Kyung, else... the enemies have to pity Maria and Jiu Ji Tae... It is unlikely that will happen, as the Fight Class 3 fighters are portrayed as kind of evil crazy psychopaths.

Curious how this will end... the next chapter will likely drop next week.

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