Fight Class 3 Chapter 111 (part 35) delayed.
Tomorrow will be the release of Fight Class 3 Chapter 111 part 35.

I don't know what is going on, but this is the 3rd time in a row a FC3 story is delayed.
This author is not really consistent with release, I greatly respect his work and his creative mind, but ... the drawback is that he doesn't delivers on time, which is no big deal, but it is annoying if you are excited and just can't wait to read the newest chapters.
But we should be happy that there is no year long hiatus for FC3, it happened before, so we should be happy that for now it is just 1 day delay, it is really nothing.
Hopefully we get the latest chapter tomorrow, we may learn about the fate of Lee Ja Kyung and perhaps, maybe the end of the tunnel arc, as Maria doesn't want to be there any longer.