Fight Class 3 Chapter 111 Part 33 is postponed to 23 April 2024

On Korean Webtoon Naver it is stated that the next chapter will be released next week April 23.
If you are interested in this chapter then this is of course not fun to hear. The author is sadly not always consistent with his timing. From my experience what I see is when when chapter gets delayed like this, the next chapter is usually much better, as if the author has more time to invest in art and polishing it.
I also think this type of delays usually happens at the most exciting moments (big fights). Maybe Lee Hak needs more time to make the crucial moments really crucial and as perfect as he can.
While we wait for the next Fight Class 3 chapter/part there is other good news coming nearby, within 2 days we will get new Tenkaichi manga chapter 36. I really like the story, sadly this manga only updates once a month, compared to that Fight Class 3 is still doing quite good.
Of course, the reasons are more complex than that, the Fight Class 3 art is usually a bit less detailed than Tenkaichi.
Eitherway, good things will happen in next 7 days.